Saturday, February 9, 2008

Winter Doldrums

As I type another cold snap looms. I am beginning to question my ability to handle much more of this weather. Sure, everyone has been saying, "This is what winter is supposed to be like." Well if this is true, winter sucks.

I find my thoughts continually drifting towards the approaching summer. There is nothing I love more than spending time at the cottage with the people I love.

Dinner with the fam during Memorial Day weekend.

It's about 100 degrees colder right now


Look at what washed up on the shore
Evening pontoon ride with the coolest kids around


Taken July 4th, 2007
I took a drive through High Cliff on my way out to Aunt Deb and Uncle Bob's for fireworks

I am proud to say my parents backyard is the greatest of all time.

Last May, I went to Governor Dodge State Park to camp for the weekend. It was an excellent time at a beautiful park. At about 4 a.m on Sunday, we awoke to a downpour and Harmer thrashing around in the dark.

Bend those knees Uhl.

Check out TJs soul patch,... wait, THATS BEATTY!

Yes, that is a tweezers.

Our site.

There were plenty of gorgeous views during our hikes.

We came upon this bluff in the pitch dark the night before.

Just a great picture

Harmer wasn't too keen on the idea to retrace our hike from the previous night.

Taken up on the bluff (missing- Immel- work, and Harmer- he was still on the bench)

Uhl, TJ, and Beatty up on the bluff

Some people get freaked out by this picture, but I like it so deal...



Andy said...

Loved the pictures. I'm looking forward to Summer as well.

Kelly said...

Awesome pictures Patrick.....very entertaining. Maybe to help winter pass you can take some pictures during the volleyball games at The Bar. Oh, don't go to those!!!!!!!!! J/K

Anonymous said...

Hey Pat. Everything Andy and Kelly said. Thanks for allowing me to peek in on your life. You are terrific!

Andy said...

Does this ever get updated anymore?